I’m thinking of doing a post-bachelors accounting certification and getting my CPA.
I was originally planning to study in California so that I could attak 2 birds with 1 stone. As in, I’d get to explore the state while studying.
After doing some research I found that in California it seems people, and also recruiters, are very biased based on the names of the school you went to.
I would be going to some state school, because of the cost. I’m wondering if it’s better to just get my education somewhere in Canada instead, just because of the cost?
Another thing I am worried about is finding a placement, since to get the designation I will need work experience, and the job market in Canada is really bad (and i’m not sure if it’s much better in California).
My goal would be to eventually work in California, but I am starting to wonder how feasible this idea will be, lol
I didn’t say anything about deals on tuition, I’m aware that’s not possible.
UCLA–> Thats not a state uni though, are you really saying it’s the same price as one?
The prices are only a bit higher than Canada, the main cost would be the living expenses but if I live with roommates it should be about the same too so idk
What are you talking about? UCLA is absolutely a state university. I went there myself, and was able to take advantage of in-state tuition.
Also keep in mind that medical insurance and expenses work VERY differently down here - make sure you do some research on that, specifically.