Thanks everyone for your active participation here. We knew this would have a lot of interest and so we’ve waited to dive into the conversation because we see some themes emerging that I’ll respond to broadly here. The main concerns I’m noting are around the license agreements we declare, our use of data for AI, and our Acceptable Use Policy. Below are a few clarifications to each of these areas.
They’re opt-in by default, it’s not like they’re forcing AI on you.
… yet
idk why people are downvoting, it’s exactly what has happened with literally every bad policy online anywhere. They beta test it to gauge how bad backlash would be, then if it’s acceptable go ahead with it, if too much backlash just use the “oh it was just a beta! we would never do that 🥺” excuse then in 6 months try again
Edit: the Lemmy hive mind has reversed their decision. It was at +4 | -4 when I replied