This has only started recently, less than a week. My battery is just getting its ass kicked.
My day to day is work, on WiFi, always full barrs Sunday - Sunday. I stopped spectrum mobile from gps location yada yada but it doesn’t do anything or help.
I don’t pay 40 a month lmao. I pay $60 for two lines on spectrum both with 30gb cap and 2g if you go over that cap (I’ve never gone over once). Nothing comes close to spectrum here. Even boost mobile for the same plan is $60 a month per line. Verizon is almost double. And I’m not about getting contracted up. I’ve had spectrum mobile since it first came out and I’ve had 0 issues. Either my phone is shit or this app updated to a broken version draining my battery. My wife has an iPhone and is not effected at all. I see no logical reason to drop my carrier at all.
Verizon is less, with no contract.
laughs in Mint Mobile
My wife is on Visible (Verizon mvno) for a whopping $35/mo with no cap.
Never heard of or have that here. Sounds cool though
You don’t have T-Mobile or Verizon in your area? You’re on Spectrum, which uses Verizon towers. Visible is owned by Verizon, and is arguably a better deal, especially if you pay annually. Mint Mobile is owned by T-Mobile; T-Mobile is right behind Verizon for coverage.
As someone who had the displeasure of having Spectrum internet for almost 5 years, I would strongly suggest leaving that shithole company in the dust.
verizon is trash dude, no one would pay those prices and be contracted. Verizon is starting at $65 a line at its “unlimited welcome” plan. the 30gb plan is $80 and the50gb is $90. t-mobile is just as bad if not worse. with 50gb STARTING at 90 a month with the next tier up is 150 a month. its fucking garbage dude. i don’t understand how people on this site cant be like “oh…idk man maybe this dude looked at all the options before buying a phone plan and might have picked the best option in their area” how is that a hard concept to grasp? good lord, i just want help with an app dude im not going to change my plan to some shit, expensive garbage.
It’s still a better value even monthly.
That said - use
to remove the app, or just disable it and remove permissions. I’ve found the latter to be just as effective with certain built-in apps.
That costs more than what I pay though. Like that is double what I pay lol.
And this is $58 for 2 lines… I literally sent you a picture man… Jesus.
You get reduced speeds at 50 GB, down to basically dial-up speeds. US Mobile’s data cap isn’t until 100GB, and you still get 1Mbps after the cap…
You get double the data for the same price, for the same 2 phones… I’m begging you to read man.
Okay so you want me to save 2 whole dollars by switching to what exactly? Google Fi? Idk what the fuck you’re showing me dude it’s a screen shot of random shit that might not even be available in my area.
I’ve been on Lemmy for like 3 weeks, and you’re the dumbest person I’ve met so far. There should be like, an award.
The best part is you don’t even understand it.