As a single WASP (ok well, I grew up protestant) male in my 30s, who has the confidence of an abandoned kitten, how exactly does this benefit me?
Like I feel like this is supposed to be about men like me getting more power over women. But I fail to see how that helps me at all.
All I can see is that they start here, remove voting rights next, then they remove the ability for women to be licensed to be doctors, or lawyers, dentists, etc. That’s gonna fuck my life up immensely.
Just so women can’t have a say? Why?
Conservative views on women are absolutely confusing. I know we have to abandon logic with them, but maybe that’s the part I don’t understand: how the fuck do I think without logic?
That’s the thing: it isn’t. The patriarchy is bad for 95% of men, as well, but a huge chunk of those believe it’s good for them because at least they’re not a woman.
Ok so
As a single WASP (ok well, I grew up protestant) male in my 30s, who has the confidence of an abandoned kitten, how exactly does this benefit me?
Like I feel like this is supposed to be about men like me getting more power over women. But I fail to see how that helps me at all.
All I can see is that they start here, remove voting rights next, then they remove the ability for women to be licensed to be doctors, or lawyers, dentists, etc. That’s gonna fuck my life up immensely.
Just so women can’t have a say? Why?
Conservative views on women are absolutely confusing. I know we have to abandon logic with them, but maybe that’s the part I don’t understand: how the fuck do I think without logic?
That’s the thing: it isn’t. The patriarchy is bad for 95% of men, as well, but a huge chunk of those believe it’s good for them because at least they’re not a woman.