Oh change happened in Ontario. Once again the Fraudulent Ford has spent $189 million dollars of “change” in Ontario for an election only 1 degenerate trust fund drug dealer wanted.
Ontarios citizens are pathetic. No one voted and we got what no one voted for.
It might be the worst voter turnout in Ontario history, and the first winter election held in forty years - because snow and ice make it much harder to get to polling locations. Plus only four weeks to campaign.
The snap election made it harder for citizens abroad and in rural areas to vote by mail and a lot of people didn’t get their voter registration cards in time - and falsely thought that meant they couldn’t vote. I can, but don’t want to believe, he’s getting away with this.
We really need to broaden our definitions for election interference.
The voter turn out this time around actually beat the last election in 2022. That one had 42% (LOL) this one had 45%. Both utterly pathetic. Literally nobody even cared about it. Provincial politics governs health care, education, housing (literally every municipal concern is ultimately provincial), and…nobody gives a shit. Amazing. Can’t fault Doug for a winning strategy.
Calls an emergency election in order to re-elect himself. Party proceeds to not provide a platform until the very last few days of voting. The overall provincial government sees very little change with low voter turn outs again
Why is he allowed to call an emergency election without significant reason? If justfiied, wouldn’t an emergency election have a relatively high voter turn out? How can the party that called for an election not have a platform published day 1? How is a guy who is currently being investigated by the RCMP for corruption even allowed to run until thats cleared up?