I played both betas/stress tests and the game just looks and feels like complete shit. Did it change at all since then?
I played on both PC and PS5. In my opinion the game looked really muddy and gross. Like MH rise looked better on switch. I know it’s monster hunter, the gameplay was fun(ish), kind of easy. Very hand holdy though. I do not want to drop $60/70 on this game if it’s exactly like it was in the beta’s.
Depends on your hardware. I ran the benchmark tool for a laugh. I don’t think I quite meet minimum spec, but not far off I think. If you’re down that end, I’d avoid it.
Lots of upscaling and frame generation options, which honestly make it look shite.
i am WELL abover recommended soec by a long shot. They should maybe reconsider those specs since not everyone wants to use fram gen and lower resolutiona in 2025.