Taking bets they do not think women who’ve only fucked dudes with condoms on are virgins
Lecturing a Chan user on condangs is like asking your dog his thoughts on the Flat Tax.
Ima put on some vinyl gloves and punch anon in the face several times.
It wasn’t me! My hands didn’t touch his face!
Officer, is it a crime to punch my own vinyl??
If dick making contact with vagina is all that it takes to not be a virgin, then no one born with a penis through normal vaginal birth is a virgin once born because your penis probably touched your mom’s vagina.
A girl in my high-school actually said this (Not word for word obvs) and when I mentioned that would every woman has has lesbian sex at least once she became very very upset.
Why would I give some woman I barely know my hard earned cum?
I save mine in a milk jug to drink later. Can’t let any of my vital essence go to waste.
that link is staying green, and the amazon bot spying on my account will thank me for i t
Well the main gist is vidible form the link itself
Look at Mr. Fancy Pants over here with a dedicated jug. Just slurp straight from the rubber.
Save it all up for your wedding night. Let the sperms fight for dominance in the milk jug, that only the strongest and fittest sperm survives to merge with the egg.
this might be of interest to you.
“I do not avoid women, Mandrake…but I do deny them my essence.”
Semen is a bit like lending someone less than $5, you can’t really ask for it back
*greentext was sponsored by the Federalist Society