• AdolfSchmitler@lemmy.world
    3 months ago
    • be me
    • finally a practicing doctor after an eternity of school
    • on my way to the next patient
    • overwhelming stench of B.O. as I open the door
    • try my best to hide my disgust and ask how he’s doing
    • patient goes on a rant about how life is unfair, something about jewish people and 13%
    • just nod along as I pull up his info
    • guy is clearly depressed
    • suggest ssri’s to improve his outlook on life
    • youveactivatedmytrapcard.jpg
    • guy proceeds to spend 20 minutes talking about how he saw a post online saying ssri’s are bad, it’s mind control, and he mentions jewish people again
    • already 5 minutes late for my next patient
    • nod and agree and tell him to have a nice day

    Why can’t these people understand I’m just trying to help them?