Someone said he was in a surfing accident and needed pins/plates put in his back. His profile ( shows an X-ray of a back that’s had surgery done on it.
He’s 26 and just come off his parents’ healthcare. [Except his family is wealthy, so I’m not sure if this one is relevant or not.]
Ted K. Based
I don’t get it
The libertarian flag is yellow and black. The anarchist flag is black and red.
The implication is that a libertarian only looks like an anarchist by proximity. As soon as they’re left to their own devices, they’re revealed to be Christian Nationalists (the black symbol on white robes is used by the Klan.)
Is chilling how thenwhole internet is fed up a story of a man before his sentence. If this guy is innocent his whole life is already exposed forever just for memes and a penny. We are the big brother and we suck.
The “we did it reddit!” phrase comes from redditors trying to track down suspects of the boston bombing. Redditors found a guy they strongly suspected, then found personal info on them and began harrassing him and family, including death threats.
Imagine being that person accused! One day just living life, the next experiencing a horrible bombing, the next being tracked down by a misguided internet randos on a manhunt.
This is why having some basic privacy is important before you need it