I just think it’s pretty cool that Felix, who has never really mentioned anything Linux before, chose to go with a Linux distro for the PC he put together.
Link to video : https://youtu.be/tsu0Rw3Nqi8?t=1554
I just think it’s pretty cool that Felix, who has never really mentioned anything Linux before, chose to go with a Linux distro for the PC he put together.
Link to video : https://youtu.be/tsu0Rw3Nqi8?t=1554
To what are you referring to?
the streaming in an SS uniform and paying people on fiverr to hold up signs saying “death to all jews”, probably
You don’t know what you are talking about. He never wore a Nazi uniform and that Fiverr thing was a joke. He tried to see what would be the most horrible thing a Fiverr would so.
i don’t care what he says the intentions were, just like i don’t care what Elon and Bannon’s intentions were with their “unfortunate gestures”. a normal human being would never have thought to do that. the intentions don’t matter, only the actions.
Elon musk is an oligarchs who spoke to a neonazi party, lies and gaslights and the list of shitty things he said or did is longer than Samuel Jackson’s Imdb page.
PewDiePie is a video creator that has thousands of hours of innocent content with three jokes that were too edgy. Which he then apologized and condemned the ideas that he misrepresented.
Im pretty sure you are referring to him wearing a british military uniform. Also he did not have anyone say death to all jews. Provide source and I will correct this though.