So til that if you use DuckDuckGo search engine, and you’re not happy with the result and want to run the previous search through Google, instead of copying your search, then heading to Google, then pasting your previous search, you can just add !g to front of your search in DuckDuckGo and that will auto direct you to Google and run that search for you!
For example: !g search term for Google
Works in brave too!
I use !gi a lot because brave image search sucks lol
!Arch - The Archlinux wiki, btw
Huh. Did not know that.
But also why?! If I thought that Google search would be more effective I just would have used Google to begin with.
That feature to search a multitude of websites via Duck Duck Go was a gamechanger when I found out about it some years ago. I’ve not gone back since.