I was used to switching between laptop speakers and Bluetooth speaker on the normal audio menu.
But one day, I needed to use a TV’s speakers through HDMI, and couldn’t find it, so I initially thought it was a driver issue, but never found a fix, so I had to use a friend’s Windows laptop at the last minute because people were waiting to watch something.
Today, months later, I have the same issue, but on a different laptop with more recent hardware, so I was hoping to have better luck, and I didn’t… Until I accidentaly notice that the HDMI device is available under a submenu of the laptop’s speakers, WTF ?
Attached to this post is a screenshot showing a Bluetooth speaker, the laptop’s speakers and HDMI speakers. Why isn’t the latter available at the same location as the former two ?
The submenu could be kept for selecting between 2.0/5.1/7.1, just like for Bluetooth devices it’s used to select between aptX/LDAC/SBC, but I don’t understand what’s a whole different device doing in that submenu of the laptop’s speakers.
This looks strangely yet sadly normal to me, and I’m running Mint MATE 20.3.
I just got used to manually changing the audio input and output sources back after unplugging the TV HDMI.
It would be nice to know more about this issue though and if there’s a proper way to automate the changeover when connecting and disconnecting A/V devices…
This menu is for switching the device profile. Different programs can output audio to different devices, but a device can only have a single profile at a time active.
So, this menu can’t be flattened because the driver for the device doesn’t support outputting to both the speakers and the HDMI port at the same time. If the hardware supports it, this would have to be fixed in the driver, or at least ALSA or PipeWire. Plasma can’t do anything about this.
would have to be fixed in the driver, or at least ALSA or PipeWire
Set up a dummy device whose input is a monitor of the HDMI out, and make the dummy device’s output the headphones.
Used to use pactl for pulse, but coppwr makes pipe wire configs very visually accessible.
To clarify a little bit for OP: the same sound device is shared between the laptop’s speakers, headphone jack and its video outputs like HDMI.
It’s the same sound card but under a different profile to send the audio to the HDMI instead. Technically the same also happens but more automatically when you plug in wired headphone, it triggers a port switch. It’s an either or situation: it can only do one at a time except on some chipsets. That used to be an interesting audio quirk back in the days: plug in headphones and it keeps playing through the laptop speakers.
Plasma only shows independent audio devices because it’s not just a global audio device selector, you can also select individual apps to go to different audio devices, for example an external mixer and a dedicated music channel.