Haishan Yang was studying at the University of Minnesota for his second Ph. D., in health administration (his first was in economics). Before he could start his thesis, he needed to do a remote ex…
Reading through the docket, he is entitled to a hearing for relief and has a modicum of standing due to the threat of deportation from the USA to China; it’s not unreasonable to go to federal court. The judge was fairly courteous in referring him to the Pro Se Project a week ago. I’m a little jealous of how detached he is from reality; from 36(a) of the Amended Complaint:
The Plaintiff asserts that completing a Ph.D. in Health Services Research significantly increases earning potential. The average salary for individuals with such a Ph.D. is $120,000 annually, compared to $30,000 annually in China, where Plaintiff’s visa cancellation forces him to seek employment. Over an estimated 30-year working career, this represents a lifetime income loss of $2,700,000.
He really went up to the judge and said, “your honor, my future career is dependent on how well I prompt ChatGPT, but statistically I should be paid more if I have a second doctorate,” and the judge patted him on his head and gave him a lollipop for being so precocious.
Reading through the docket, he is entitled to a hearing for relief and has a modicum of standing due to the threat of deportation from the USA to China; it’s not unreasonable to go to federal court. The judge was fairly courteous in referring him to the Pro Se Project a week ago. I’m a little jealous of how detached he is from reality; from 36(a) of the Amended Complaint:
He really went up to the judge and said, “your honor, my future career is dependent on how well I prompt ChatGPT, but statistically I should be paid more if I have a second doctorate,” and the judge patted him on his head and gave him a lollipop for being so precocious.