Agriculture made the cities.
The Invisibles?
very interesting topic.
i agree that knowledge is like a virus. it consists mostly of information, and requires a host to be spread.
apart from that, knowledge is typically considered a good thing, no?
at least in our current, modern understanding.
In this specific case, the knowledge regarding how to build a house is easier to acquire than the knowledge regarding the delicate balance of the ecosystem which used to thrive where you built your house.
Some knowledge is easier to acquire than other knowledge, and that inequity breaks things that only get figured out generations or centuries down the line.
There’s the rub: “good” and “bad” are simply byproducts of knowledge, abstracts that don’t pertain to concrete real-world objects. As such, the medium becomes the message: knowledge must be good because it allows us the medium to consider goodness. Of course we think knowledge is good, it’s all we’ve ever known.
It’s like making a moral claim about existence: of course we think existence is good, it’s all we’ve experienced, all we can know.
Also: bandwagon fallacy.