By specific, I mean not general fears like fear of heights or spiders.

    2 days ago

    You know, every time I mention this I get strange looks (I also have now just realized that makes me sound like I bring this up very often - I’ve done so maybe twice):

    My odd specific fear is based around the fact that I have quite a few medical issues, a lot of the symptoms haven’t been resolved yet due to not knowing the root cause. This has been the case for years… I fear that I’ll end up leaving this planet in some strange way that ends up triggering an autopsy being performed on me. The examiner then basically says “Wow, this guy lived a tough life. If only his doctors had known about XYZ, these issues could’ve been easily solved” - and that effectively all of this that I deal with is “for nothing”.

    On one hand, I like to think that if seeing numerous specialists for how long I’ve been doing so hasn’t resulted in answers, then it’s probably not super likely that an ME would just randomly find the answer on a simple autopsy.

    On the other hand, quite a few of the doctors that I see don’t really listen, and are always in a rush to get you out the door in five minutes… So maybe not.

    In the end, I try not to think about it too often - there’s nothing more that I can do, at least not reasonably. I mean sure, I could go to medical school and try to become a doctor and hope by then I have the knowledge to diagnose myself, but I wouldn’t really call that “reasonable”. Plus, I hear doctors make terrible patients.