As in, channels where the presenter is laid back, calming, and the content is slower paced and chill. My go two examples are LGR for retro computer stuff, and Hainbach for experimental tape music.
Ishitani Furniture (no talking, plus an occasional pet):
He does great work!
bigclivedotcom - I have no idea what he’s talking about 90% of the time but he’s generally a relaxing watch.
Ali Spagnola and Aging Wheels aren’t quite what you’re describing in terms of being calm and chill but I still love their stuff.
Seconding others’ recommendations for Technology Connections, TheCrafsMan, Cathode Ray Dude, and Techmoan.
“Tally Ho” comes to mind, where a guy turns a famous wreck into a boat.
Baumgartner Restoration. I watch it like bedtime stories.
both SEA and Astrum for space stuff. If you like one you’ll like the other.
My Self Reliance - Guy builds stuff in the Canadian wilderness silently with his dog
Rick Beato - The Hans Zimmer interview is out now is just a guy building houses and doing iron work. Very cool.
Pretty much exactly Bob Ross if he were a nice Canadian lady doing nails…
Most of what I would have suggested has already been posted by others, but I can say Kruggsmash’s Dwarf Fortress stories do this for me. The Waddlesquash/Kingdom of Autumn series he did (with the pumpkin mod) is particularly laid back, but even the action-heavy series are calming to watch/listen to.
I saw a lot of channels that sprung to mind already posted. But I want to strongly recommend Thomas Shahan for super chill bug photography and mellow voice overs. Worth checking out even if you’re not into macro photography.
He doesn’t really talk in his videos, but I really enjoy watching Philippe Faraut sculpt in clay. Guy has masterful technique.
I recommend Technology Connections to anyone who enjoys learning about how stuff works. I really appreciate the way this guy explains things for laypeople.
SummoningSalt is super interesting if you like learning about speedrunning. My only gripe is that the videos are all really chill, but tend to have clips of people breaking world records and flipping out, like “FUCK YEAAAAAAAHH WOOOOOOO FUCK YEAH LET’S FUCKING GOOOOO FUUUUUUCK” and it can be very jarring, lol. But I do enjoy seeing those clips in the videos.
Grand Illusions is a fun channel where an older British gentleman named Tim presents curiosities, puzzles, toys, and the like.
Honorable mention: while I don’t watch many of his videos these days, Smarter Every Day is fantastic STEM content
I like this channel Workshop Companion. He also looks exactly like the kind of person you want to go to, to ask questions about carpentry.
Attoparsec, Chronova Engineering, and polymatt all fit that description.
Steve Wallis (Camping With Steve)
Math Queen
The Lock picking lawyer. Too bad the videos are so short; he has a very soothing voice.
And, of course, the OG Bob Ross. I do oil pastel drawing, and often take inspiration from his works.