Because they banned all their users
Lol, finance (and thus financial reporting) is so braindead.
I’ll summarize the whole article: Why did RDDT crash? “Because the stock price went down. Some people sold the stock, so more people sold it, now the price is lower”
Thanks Yahoo finance, this is the journalism we rely on you for…
This is what people mean when they say they have an economics degree.
People selling the stock does not cause the stock value to lower. For every sale there is a purchase. What causes the stock to lower is people willing to sell for cheaper.
This is semantics, because that’s the same thing.
If you want to sell now you have to sell at a lower price, to have your put orders at the top of the stack. So the reason they were selling a lower price was just that they actually wanted to sell.
Sure, you can put an order to sell at some optimistic price, and that won’t effect the stock price, but simply having a put order on a stock is not actually the same as wanting to sell. People actually wanting to sell now lowered the stock price.
Once I bought a set of stockes (5 of them) for 50 cents each and sold them for a dollar 2 minutes later. It’s a fun way to game the market a little if you get lucky
It’s gambling. Highly complicated strategies exists, but at the end, it’s gambling. And somehow we’ve let ourselves get convinced that’s the way the world should be run
Basically any way of making an income has risk, but we don’t consider most such things gambling. Even a fixed-income investment is gambling, since the value of the dollar can fluctuate randomly. What concerns me about the stock market is not its randomness but rather its reliability in outpacing inflation. It seems from a bird’s-eye view like a mechanism which is almost guaranteed to concentrate wealth into those who already have it. Surely that wealth must come from somewhere?
I think I need to learn macroeconomics.
I’m giving you an angry upvote for this, because this comment is on one of two ends of the bell curve.
Everything of value on Reddit was posted by people who have left
A lot of those people left for here
I recently left reddit for lemmy. More so because of the 51st state bullshit and calling our Prime Minister a governor, rather than the tariff’s and buy Canadian. Most of what I posted on reddit had no value and I hope to continue that honourable tradition here.
I for one welcome your shitposts
I had to delete thousands of my posts from there multiple times before they stayed deleted. I had most of a decade of helping people out regularly. When all was said and done the only post I left on there were the ones that were helping people migrate to Lemmy before I left.
The content is so repetitive, likely because they drive engagement by reposting content with bot accounts. I still get a major amount of news from there, I can tell it’s value is slowly fading
It doesn’t feel slow. I still go there for a subreddit or two. It’s better at sucking me in than it used to be but the crap that’s it’s using feels like crap.
Yep I swear askreddit has the same dozen questions on repeat
It’s still good for niches. I am in a couple subs about health conditions, and there are no comparable communities on Lemmy. I haven’t observed the composition or activity level of the groups change at all over the past couple of years.
Bring them here!
I wish I could. It’s hard to get a community started on any new site where people have to make accounts and get in the habit of going there. The network effect is tough to overcome, too… people go where other people are, and then those places have content, and most people consume content, not create it. Also Reddit will ban you for promoting Lemmy, even through DMs.
Disagree, as somebody that started on reddit 15 years ago who now browses Lemmy daily, I still read and post there more because there is more content and discussion.
People that say otherwise are living in a Lemmy or bluesky bubble
Be part of the change. Your “discussion” is with bots over there
I don’t believe he was referring specifically to discussions. Rather, it seems he was alluding to the broader scope of topics and content. This is not a criticism of Lemmy; it is simply natural that a platform like Reddit, which has existed for so long, would encompass a wider range of content and niches. I have no doubt that Lemmy will reach that level as well, but it will require time.
What subreddits did you visit where discussion is with bots?
I still use Reddit every now and again for aviation and a mobile game (where there is an official company presence). Most of the discourse is genuine.
Now some of the more general subreddits, that’s garbage.
I get my news and politics from Lemmy now and, if anything, the experience is better. In fact, I seem to be more up to date on Canadian news.
I’ve found them periodically in r/worldnews, r/politics, and they are easy to spot on anything related to Gaza/Israel, Russia/Ukraine or things like crypto and finance. That’s where to go if you don’t want to look too hard. The other day I’m pretty sure I saw the same comment reposted several times across the same subreddit when sorted by top by year, something really generic with the same slightly off punctuation along the lines of “This community is the best!” It is really interesting to see actually. Most of the time their usernames are the randomly generated ones.
Any tips for telling bot accounts?
Generic usernames, the randomly generated ones, newer accounts, especially since the rise of ChatGPT and when they were gearing up for making Reddit public. Look for ones that do not really add substance and often argue for arguments sake (not to be confused with a troll). It is a vibe too. Knowing how these things are made helps, look into AI agents, and kind of knowing what trolls actually are too, for that check out this book.
Mate that’s so helpful thankd!
Ah, I generally avoid the big subreddits because they are low quality.
I also joined Reddit 15 years ago, and I gave it up completely after the 3rd party API debacle. I haven’t been back since, outside a few searches for BIFL recommendations. I don’t understand what beef you have with me
You’re most certainly part of the problem. You’re like someone who complains about local restaurants closing, but keeps buying drive through. Reddit isn’t better, it’s merely easier, but it’s also a terrible value and bad for your health.
There is nothing positive that Reddit is capable of, that Lemmy is not. It all comes down to shifting the audience. Lemmy keeps improving, while Reddit keeps getting worse. All Reddit has is inertia, the energy of which came from a distant, nearly forgotten push. Put some time and effort in, help build something rather than merely consume it.
Reddit for the most part has FAR more active niche communities. If you’re mostly looking for Lemmy versions of subs that frequently hit /all you’re probably fine; but I also looked for subs like aquaponics and ROG Ally and found pretty much crickets on Lemmy.
For now, I’m on both, because some of what I want from Lemmy doesn’t exist here yet. But I’m participating where I can in to try and help populate it so it eventually becomes viable for niches as well
I suppose what I’m trying to say is the less we rely on reddit, the faster those niche communities grow in the fediverse. The cost for splitting your energies is that it slows the growth of one and prolongs the antiquation of the other.
I guess I’m saying for now it makes sense that people would at least cross post
Folks gotta post here at some point to get the ball rolling but like, I found an aquaponics sub and posted there to literally zero response. I legitimately cannot use that instead of Reddit yet; there’s nothing to use. I posted anyway to try, just don’t shame me when I cross post the question back to Reddit due to silence here, yknow?
Here I am “supporting the local restaurant” but already am sitting at -20 points in an hour for stating my experiences.
On reddit there are more posts I wouldn’t have seen otherwise, and more opinions and people to talk with. There aren’t dozens or hundreds of people here discussing very niche hobbies, places, or events on an hourly or daily basis like there are on reddit. I buy the hamburger at the local restaurant when I can, but when I need a graphics card delivered next day, my mom-and-pop local computer store that sells to senior citizens has never even heard of a 5090.
Stop giving a shit about fake internet points, they literally mean nothing.
“Its dead in here” says person who never contributes anything except to complain how dead it is.
Wow, reddit is actually up 164% since IPO. Did not expect that at all
If the GME/AMC story taught me anything, the price of a stock doesn’t necessarily reflect the value of the company. It’s just what people are willing to buy/sell the stock for.
Because it’s trash?
Somehow it’s both under-moderated AND over-moderated
It used to be the “front page of the Internet”. Now it’s at the top of my search results, but the last page I’ll actually visit…
Reddit crashed on Monday because Hoffman thinks he can fuck with investors like a trillionaire can. Do I need to put the clap hands in between all the words, too?
Reddit is going to quickly be replaced by AI, leading to the question: what data will AI train on after that?
My conspiracy theory is that the recently popular ExplainTheJoke and PeterExplainsTheJoke subreddits are being used to train the AIs to understand the context behind memes.
My husband still browses Reddit regularly and when I asked him about this he said that the r/tattoos has definitely been taken over by AI training. A lot of the posts there are photos of tattoos with generic questions like “what is this style of tattoo called” or “how long would a tattoo like this last”. The only useful results I’ve found recently are from years ago, and even then a lot of searches lead to discussions with a ton of deleted responses.
I log in once in a while just to delete more.
They keep resurrecting them, I keep deleting them.