I’ve been reading a bit of the documentation before I get started. Meshtastic’s target use case still seems muddy to me.
Between the different frequencies and modulation modes you can use that don’t immediately seem interchangeable, it seems to me that Meshtastic is more meant for you to build out your own local mesh network with consistent settings, vs. a resilient WWAN mesh network covering your town or entire city utilizing stranger’s nodes.
Am I misinterpreting that? Is there a “common” frequency/repeater setup that most people use to create a public node that would let me contribute to a network in my town? If it’s something that can be used for that, maybe creating a communication network that could survive a largescale interruption in power/telecom (either political or physical in nature), I’m so down for it.
I’m still definitely going to get some hardware and likely set one of these up on my parent’s ranch, with bluetooth repeaters in the vehicles to allow communication where cell service sucks. But I do need help understanding it’s usefulness to a public service.