Because evil is loud and self-important, and people doing good have learned to be mycelial, underground, quietly building the new world in the shell of the old.
I really like this, and I think this is exactly what Jesus meant with the oft-misunderstood “The meek shall inherit the Earth.”
There’s so much loud roaring nonsense going on, but we’re quietly just building our own layer of alternative society to exist on, for people, hoping it can stand on its own when the power hungry institutions collapse in on themselves under the weight of their own backbiting, infighting, and greedful self-sabotage.
It’s kinda like Lemmy or Mastodon or Linux as a tech example, or mutual aid, intentional communties, and unions. We’re here quietly trying to do what good we can, and when the power goes out, our light will be seen all the brighter.
Because evil is loud and self-important, and people doing good have learned to be mycelial, underground, quietly building the new world in the shell of the old.
Evil also tends to be wealthy. And wealthy people suck up all the oxygen in whatever room their in.
I really like this, and I think this is exactly what Jesus meant with the oft-misunderstood “The meek shall inherit the Earth.”
There’s so much loud roaring nonsense going on, but we’re quietly just building our own layer of alternative society to exist on, for people, hoping it can stand on its own when the power hungry institutions collapse in on themselves under the weight of their own backbiting, infighting, and greedful self-sabotage.
It’s kinda like Lemmy or Mastodon or Linux as a tech example, or mutual aid, intentional communties, and unions. We’re here quietly trying to do what good we can, and when the power goes out, our light will be seen all the brighter.