Brooooo this game was amazing! The graphics were mindblowing for its time. And even the story was cool! Never played the reboot through.
I fuckin love this game. The story, the style, the gameplay, the music. Easily in my top 5
Fuckin chills even now. That intro at the time enthralled me.
At the time a rare EA W. A fresh new game, with unique gameplay at a time EA was known for pushing out “sequel 12” for any other games.
Huh, is this the parkour game? I remember seeing it on Steam, but it didn’t seem like something I’d be into.
It has some combat, but yes, mostly it’s about finding a path from Point A to Point B without dying. That includes running, jumping, climbing, and parkour. It’s pretty great.
The combat was kinda required to be shoved into it, despite developers wishes, as I recall. So it’s not great. It’s not horrible either, it’s just clunky in a way that someone who doesn’t want to fight might do a poor job of it.
The gist is that you’re a courier for illicit things (like information,) and suddenly the government is cracking down.
If you’re remotely curious, and you see it on sale, I strongly urge you to give it a shot. Maybe the tutorial level and one or two more. And if you hate it you can always refund it on Steam.
I’m actually not a huge combat person, I like RPGs and exploratory games. But I’m not big on platformers or side-scrollers. I suck at puzzles, so tend to not gravitate towards those types of games unless the story is compelling (I loved Portal, for example, but had to look up walkthroughs after a certain point). The narrative element of it does appeal, I like cyberpunk/dystopian stuff.
The game has a built-in hint system. If you’re ever stuck or confused hit the button and the next place to go will glow red. They did a lot of things right with this.
She also wrote some of the tomb raider reboots and was an additional writer on BioShock infinite.
Specifically, she wrote the 2013 game and Rise of the Tomb Raider. Studio and publisher interference on Rise was so pervasive that she permanently quit writing for AAA games and someone else took over for Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
That explains why Shadow felt different.
Sir Terry Pratchett was an avid gamer himself and contributed to a few mods for Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim.
Lovely guy, really. So shame his works doesn’t click in non-english languages.
Which is such a cool story.
Like Emma had been writing some awesome Morrowind mods for ages - she was involved with a massive project that brought children to the game, wrote some of the pioneering companion mods for that game - and then she got to collaborate with Terry fucking Pratchett on one of the best Oblivion mods ever made.
Wait… WHAT?!
Honestly, what an amazing person.
Nepo baby?
You are getting downvoted for your wording I think but I believe it’s worth pointing this stuff out especially now that people are trying to “restore” the “meritocracy”.
This one writer’s competency isn’t the question. The question is how many others won’t get a chance because this person already had a foot in the door.
Even without a single “nepo baby writer”, many others wouldn’t get a chance for whatever reasons. Writing in general is such a competetive field that you’d be a fool to not use your connections and every possible chance in order to support yourself as a writer. And video game writers might even be first to lose their jobs to AI in the near future, who knows.
you’d be a fool to not use your connections
And this folks what a class war looks like in nuts and bolts type example
Remember next time they preach to you about this “meritocracy”
The question is how many others won’t get a chance because this person already had a foot in the door.
A bootlicker doesn’t have the mental capacity to comprehend this concept…
They have been conditioned since child hood to worship other people’s “success” without realizing the people they worship were put into these positions . they don’t understand that conceptually that’s how a class system works and their simping enables it.
A nepo baby is peak class war… These people are the enemies no matter how “nice” or “good” they are.
At the end of the day, a good job is a super limited resource that goes to nepo babies first then remainder is dolled out on “meritocracy” basis.
I know what you mean but it seems like she earned her credits. She’s been constantly putting out great works.
So we got a competent nepo baby… I guess it could worse like our dear leader so I should be grateful.
At least she is no a lebron James son who can’t dribble worth of shit
Yeah, because writers have so much power in this world!
Hollywood is staffed by nepo babies like finance, medicinr, law etc …
That’s how this shit works.
You want to know a fun fact… USSR worked the same way lol
I was born in USSR, so I know a fact or two. But I also know that there’s a long line of shitty people who have power before you get to the ones who sit at home and type something.
Nobody suggested that the subject is a shiti person…
You did, because nepotism is shitty, which means that from your point of view, Terry Pratchett used his power (?) to put his relative on multiple projects, where otherwise someone else would work.
Some serious mental gymnastics on Herr lol
Bootlickers gonna bootlick