Wondering about services to test on either a 16gb ram “AI Capable” arm64 board or on a laptop with modern rtx. Only looking for open source options, but curious to hear what people say. Cheers!
Wondering about services to test on either a 16gb ram “AI Capable” arm64 board or on a laptop with modern rtx. Only looking for open source options, but curious to hear what people say. Cheers!
I messed around with home assistant and the ollama integration. I have passed on it and just use the default one with voice commands I set up. I couldn’t really get ollama to do or say anything useful. Like I asked it what’s a good time to run on a treadmill for beginners and it told me it’s not a doctor.
Kirkland brand meseeks energy.
Hey now Kirkland brand is respectable, usually premium brands repackaged. Such as how Costco vodka was secretly (“secretly”) Grey Goose