Electorates in Alphabetical Order
Some key Upper house takeaways, (paraphrased from analysis)
Upper house quota is 2.63%, lower than NSW at 4.55%. This is due to there now being 37 members, compared to NSWs 21 members.
Greens vote share will likely be better represented, which will likely result in more seats, as with the Nationals bote share, likely resulting in less.
The six regions are gone, MLCs are eleceted to represent the entire State.
By electing the entire chanber as a single electorate, it doesn’t rebalance malaportionment between rural and metro, the divide becomes irrelevant.
~Note: Watch out for table Seats won at WA Legislative Council elections, 1989-2021, that 20 is not the midpoint, number of seats is actually 34 then in 2008 goes up to 36.~