Electorates in Alphabetical Order


Legislative Council

Some key Upper house takeaways, (paraphrased from analysis)

  • Upper house quota is 2.63%, lower than NSW at 4.55%. This is due to there now being 37 members, compared to NSWs 21 members.

  • Greens vote share will likely be better represented, which will likely result in more seats, as with the Nationals bote share, likely resulting in less.

  • The six regions are gone, MLCs are eleceted to represent the entire State.

  • By electing the entire chanber as a single electorate, it doesn’t rebalance malaportionment between rural and metro, the divide becomes irrelevant.

~Note: Watch out for table Seats won at WA Legislative Council elections, 1989-2021, that 20 is not the midpoint, number of seats is actually 34 then in 2008 goes up to 36.~