TIL Amway is still a thing
Cory Doctorow wrote about Amway on his blog this month. His podcast is worth listening to. One of those obsessive writers who always has something to say about current events and how they relate to history.
I didn’t see your reply till just now. Thanks for that 👍
Thanks for the advice everyone. Will request further clarification in writing. Once obtained will go to fair work.
Other than that, feeling pretty chill.
I log on whenever I wake up, log off when I’ve had enough.
3 seeks weeks to go!
Check your employment contract too - it should say when they agree to pay your salary and when they can withhold payment.
This diet means I do one quarter the cooking I used to do. It has freed up so much time and is def less stressful. 🙂 This is a totes unexpected bonus.
Interesting, since I quit my diet, I’m cooking so much more… but it’s just trash. Trying to find the balance. I think meal kits helped!
meal kits are good
Dinner had, very full but had a minor disaster cooking.
Went to crack an egg on the fry pan and instead of it cracking a bit the whole thing exploded all over the place.
Also mistiming the cooking of everything, some of the stuff went cold and wasn’t as lightly cooked as I thought I’d be.
Oh well try again tomorrow and hope for better results.
Hey funny you mention it, I’ve had that a bit with eggs lately. I crack a lot of eggs for work when I’m pasta making, and I’ve had some batches that with a light tap just completely fragment and deposit the egg where I didn’t want it. Also some I had recently were oddly hard to crack with a super strong shell.
I’m only lucky for some odd reason that I didn’t have any bits of shell in whatever bits of the egg that managed to make it into the frying pan.
It was so weird how the shell basically just crumbled and collapsed on itself.
I think it’s from a very young chicken, I may be wrong.
Possibly the egg producers were skimping on the oyster grit that the chickens need for the calcium to build strong shells, or the chickens didn’t get enough access to the grit. Given the current state of affairs with bird flu etc., I can’t really blame the egg producers for occasionally getting the feed mix a bit wrong.
They’re withholding this months pay until next month. Because my last day is the 25th, they want me to return the laptop etc which is fine.
But now I won’t be paid for 6 weeks!!!
If you call fairwork or an employment lawyer you might get your gardening leave…
that doesn’t sound legal.
Next month starts on Saturday. This is also highly dodgy. Call Fairwork asap tomorrow. They would have to have a really convincing excuse to not pay you out in accordance with your regular pay schedule. And that’s about as far as they can delay payment. Also you would have accumulated at least some leave entitlement also even if only a few days.
Thank you will do so :)
That doesn’t sound right. You might need to contact the Fair work about this.
If you were living week to week this would be devastating.
that an employer would do this is shameful
workers need their pay
and employers should be thinking of worst case scenarios where food needs to be bought for children, vital medicine, etc etc.
call fairwork asap
I’d be withholding work in that case. “Here’s the laptop. Shove it up your ass and if I don’t see the pay next month I’m going to fair work and contacting every client to say you screwed me!”
Damn good point. Tbh I’m doing Jack shit at the moment anyway lol
go have a wank, do a couple of missions on Final Fantasy and do some washing. What are they gonna do, fire you?
I’m done. Smashed through the reporting
It do be lunchtime
What’s for lunch? I’m hecka excited about the toastie I’ve got! Boyo made a tasty mince mix, gonna chuck that in with some cheese!
Pie and salad
Hell yeah! What kinda pie?
Beef, bacon and cheese
Trampled the shit out of this thing a few months ago doing the retaining wall and was worried it wouldn’t make it. After putting in the watering it has other ideas. I think it’s a giant taro / elephant ear thing:
Absolute messy jungle corner.
Seems like people rate them as indoor plants. Would be hilarious to have something like that taking up half the room.
Such a lush looking space!