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from #MiddleEastEye #MEE

By Nadav Rapaport
Published date: 5 March 2025 15:35 GMT

“The youths film themselves posing as representatives of a fictional humanitarian organisation and call their family members and friends to ask for donations for Palestinian children. Those called usually react with rage, shouting and swearing before the callers reveal themselves in the videos uploaded to the platform as humorous pranks.”

    19 hours ago

    🤣🤣🤣 what are you fucking 12? I’m 37 and as recent as 15 20 years ago kids would be calling both israeli and Pakistani kids dirty sand ni99ers before beating the fuck out of them playing smeer the queer before gym class. A lot of the vulgar words in that sentence 90% of kids and teenagers nowadays wouldn’t even say at full volume regardless of whose around them. Fuck, I got caught holding one of my baby cousins at a school event and was called a removed for the rest of the summer. (seeee the word that rhymes with maggot isnt even allowed to be fucking typed! I assumed as much for the aforementioned n-word but i did not expect phaggot to be omitted as well) Every generation has a complex that their world is as bad as it gets but it isn’t until you have lived long enough to witness other generations growing up amd growing old that you realize, in general, the world has always grown to be more accepting, more tolerant, more empathetic for others with each generation that passes. I mean shit, most of us are living in countries that are at most only 2 generations removed from legally being able to own people who aren’t the same color as you.

    I’m sure this will get removed amd I’m ok with that. None of the language i used needs to be propagated. I used it to make the point to show how much fucking worse it was before society started cracking down on hate speech.

    Think about it, mellenials still couldn’t even come out of the closet to most families muchless worry about advancing rights. You can’t really worry about what rights you do or don’t have when you spend 20 years married to a loveless cover story raising someone elses kids cuz you’ve been fucking your best bud instead of pumping kids into a wife who hates you. I am friends with enough gay dudes from my days selling coke to have 5 very similar stories 3 from close friends and 2 from heresy from friends of those 3 friends. As dudes you had 2 options around the Y2K era, either you pretended to be a sitcom character like will and grace or YOU DIDNT FUCKING LET ANYONE BUT THE BUTT YOURE FUCKKNG KNOW YOU WERE GAY!

    As for the African American community’s relationship with cops, I fuckin assure you it was waaaaaaaaaaaay worse only 5 maybe 10 years ago before anyone considered body cams or posting videos to social media.

    I’m not saying shit is all peachy now and I know i only touched on 2 demographics but i did that empirically and not as a strawman argument (if I used that term correct) Im not directing this at you like I felt your sentimemt was overdramatic. All I’m trying to do is pull the sheets off your small window of existence to show you how far we as a society have come. Also to show that just because it hasn’t progressed all cocaine and instant gratification speeds, it is very much and very definitively moving in the right direction as a whole.

    You are going to survive the Trump era the same as your other 300 million neighbors. The sitting administration of any president is always going to be behind a fog of granduer and delusional justifications because for some reason noone other than Jon Stewart seems to find it weird that people who are in politics deemed it unacceptable to ever be wrong, yet at the same time hold the only job in the world where they can look you in the eye, tell you a bold faced lie, then go infront of a judge and when perjury is on the line - give an exact opposite response they told the country to get elected and have zero consequences. This paragraph is a tangent but to finish the point: Don’t let 4-8 short years make you loose your will to fight and that its OK to be OK with appreciating the changes that have been made even if they seem too small.

    I hate religion so I skipped the God intro but fuck me if the “serenity” prayer doesn’t cover most of what it actually requires from a person who wants to change the world.

    Grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;