I love FF8, I love the stupid draw and junction system, I love Squall’s boring ass, I love the limit breaks, I love the dog-shit graphics when you’re not in a cutscene, I love the music.
The game is amazing, and my friend always called Rinoa “Rin-wa”
Originally, like I suspect many who played ffvii as their first ff, I hated it. Hated how Squall was such a tool. Didn’t really get the magic system. It was so different from ffvii and I has such high hopes.
Over time I have really warmed to it. The story goes incomprehensible toward the end (for me at least) but the road to it is really quite fun. The draw system is interesting even if it discourages you from actually using magic. And yes, the love story is quite sweet at times.
Squall is still a tool though.
I played the shit out of 7, but only played 8 for like 2 hours. I really hated the gunsword mechanic. JRPG battles are tedious enough without having to time a button during an attack to get the battle over with a little faster.
FF8 has so many flaws but honestly the (optional) gun blade mechanic was sweet. At least it was better than just mashing X all fight long