I watch A LOT of TV…

I’ve test ran a handful of free fonts for my subtitles, and Tiresias Infofont Z so far is definitely my favorite.

Included below is (part of) my mpv configuration, that really makes the font pop. My vision is quite poor without my glasses, but I can read these very well without them.

sub-blur                     = 0.3
sub-border-color             = 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.8
sub-border-size              = 2.5
sub-color                    = '#FDFD9A'
sub-font                     = Tiresias Infofont Z
sub-font-size                = 42
sub-margin-x                 = 100
sub-margin-y                 = 50
sub-shadow-color             = 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.25
sub-shadow-offset            = 0