Back in 2016 we told you about the PEBL, a pedal-electric velomobile that combined some of the best attributes of a bicycle and a car. Well, it now has a cushier, spiffier, more streamlined successor, in the form of the PEBL 2.0.
Back in 2016 we told you about the PEBL, a pedal-electric velomobile that combined some of the best attributes of a bicycle and a car. Well, it now has a cushier, spiffier, more streamlined successor, in the form of the PEBL 2.0.
This is really interesting, but I’m not quite sure where you’d use it. Is it safe to be used on multi-use trails? I could see this struggling to navigate some of our protected bike lanes here.
I like the idea a lot, but I suspect you’d need a lot more green ways and healthy roads before it could be better used in NA.
it would probably be fine anywhere you could take a recumbent trike, but that would rule out my commute where there are two stupid blockages a road bike can barely fit through.
That’s kind of the general problem with velomobiles.