CDDA is a zombie survival game with a heavy focus on realism in it’s mechanics. The controls can be intimidating if you’ve never played a game like this before. You might need a cheat sheet open on the second monitor or maybe your phone, but I think it’s worth the effort getting the hang of it.
CDDA is available for Windows, Linux, OSX, and Android.
I come back to this game every year or so, play it for like two weeks and leave again. It’s great. Since at least 2022, I play as a random character, an advertising mascot from a fast food place. The armor he is wearing protects him from most zombie bites, he lives for a long time now, killed many z’s, learned and traveled a lot.
Unfortunately I threw away his mask, because it wouldn’t stop shouting advertising phrases, constantly attracting zombies. And he is now mute and sad all the time. I’m looking for this mask, it could be everywhere. When I find it, I will finally communicate with the robot-aliens and start working for them.Peace be upon you.
If you’ve ever wanted to drive a car in a turn based game, while running over zombies, while having a realistic damage model, while trying to figure out what the fuck you pressed that made a screen pop up that you can’t easily close… This is the game for you.
Oh there’s also more mods than you’ll ever experience.
AWESOME. Really proud of the work of all the people involved.
it was the inspiration for Project zomboid if anybody knows that
I first heard about this about a year ago and it seems super interesting but god damn is it intimidating. I still haven’t given it a go!