You have to enter a password to start up the F35. That password changes every day and USA needs to give these passwords. Locking a country out of the plane is as simple as stop sending the new passwords.
Hmm, opinions on the internet on if that’s true are mixed at best. It’s a level of control I’d be shocked anyone would accept. Someone on Quora is saying most countries weren’t even happy Lockheed Martin manages the supply chain and maintenance software.
You have to enter a password to start up the F35. That password changes every day and USA needs to give these passwords. Locking a country out of the plane is as simple as stop sending the new passwords.
Hmm, opinions on the internet on if that’s true are mixed at best. It’s a level of control I’d be shocked anyone would accept. Someone on Quora is saying most countries weren’t even happy Lockheed Martin manages the supply chain and maintenance software.