“There is so much to unpack and learn from an exchange like this.”
Yeah, no kidding.
Husband’s probably regretting some life decisions right about now, and I guarantee they’re not related to his not getting any awards or certifications.
Given that this is a self-promoting self-appointed CEO of a Virginia based IT consulting firm with… very few employees, idk, man. The “husband” in this non-exchange seems like a prop for marketing material.
The last line says it all. She’s just selling certification training. None of this is sincere.
Seems like a shitty way to sell certifications because like yeah I would be perfectly fine going a year without getting a certification. Do you have imposter syndrome that bad that you need to waste money in order to feel competent?
It’s funny. I got a promotion a bit ago and I announced happily to my family that my career progression has ended for good.
I don’t want to grow in responsibility, in don’t want to work extra hours, I don’t want to study for work, I don’t want to “network”.
If yearly rises somewhat follow the cost of living (relatively common in my workplace), I don’t even want to job hop.
I want to cruise at work and live my life.
Some still don’t understand because “line go up” mentality.
That doesn’t read as much as blasting her husband as it does as blasting herself.
The lunacy part is posting this to LinkedIn rather than discussing in private with a therapist.
She’s sharing something she struggles with because she believes other women may struggle with it as well and knowing you’re not alone is help in and of itself. It isn’t even something that personal. The only lunacy I see here is all the comments that insist sharing your feelings is lunacy.
LinkedIn is not a venue for discussion though. Only people born into extreme wealth have the privilege of saying anything other than “I love corporations 😍” on their LinkedIn profile.
It’s not meant to be a discussion. She’s just looking for peers that may feel the way she does because sometimes a “me too” is enough. I have no idea what the rest of your comment is trying to say.
If you actually read the post, she’s not “blasting” her husband. She’s seeing him be perfectly content without chasing all those markers of career success, and questioning why she cannot do the same. She’s realising that she relies on external validation to feel happy, and that that’s not a good thing.
It’s the literal definition of a humblebrag though. Or at the very least, worded in a bait-ey way to try and get attention from appearing to be controversial. If you strip away the style and fluff from the post, then yes you can read it in the way you’re saying. But that controversial-ness is clearly intentional.
At the most charitable, it’s a failed attempt at humor. The less charitable read is that the second half of the post is just providing some plausible deniability to her being yet another insufferable Linkedin self-promoter.