Epstein did brag about being a Mossad agent, and it can be tempting to accept invitations to orgies, without realizing that its a honeypot blackmail operation.
‘means and methods’
If intelligence assets had to infiltrate Russia or Israel in order to get the information, then and only then its a plausible argument. Where the information can come from any of 1000s of party guests, or US/Bahamas flight manifests, then it is not a valid argument.
The actual national security reasons, is the same one he was killed under Trump administration. It would diminish the perception of the USA if the public knew their heroes are compromised by Israel or lascivious.
I get the feeling he bragged about being a mossad agent the same way one of my buddies in elementary school bragged about his dad being in the CIA. It’s a cheap thing to throw out and you get an excuse for when you get called out with it.
He did have plenty of ties with Israel oligarchs and zionist supremacists in US. Whether paid by Mossad, he could have thought it “patriotic” to honeypot people.
Epstein did brag about being a Mossad agent, and it can be tempting to accept invitations to orgies, without realizing that its a honeypot blackmail operation.
If intelligence assets had to infiltrate Russia or Israel in order to get the information, then and only then its a plausible argument. Where the information can come from any of 1000s of party guests, or US/Bahamas flight manifests, then it is not a valid argument.
The actual national security reasons, is the same one he was killed under Trump administration. It would diminish the perception of the USA if the public knew their heroes are compromised by Israel or lascivious.
I get the feeling he bragged about being a mossad agent the same way one of my buddies in elementary school bragged about his dad being in the CIA. It’s a cheap thing to throw out and you get an excuse for when you get called out with it.
He did have plenty of ties with Israel oligarchs and zionist supremacists in US. Whether paid by Mossad, he could have thought it “patriotic” to honeypot people.