I once got lectured by my dad how I’m the one being selfish and entitled, and how I try to restrict his freedom and comfort during family time, when I tell him to watch videos on mute, or get himself ear plugs, this was in a hotel restaurant might I add.
Jesus fucking christ, the level of anger I felt took me all the way back to being a teenager, I was very close to throwing a tantrum and going to my room without eating.
I kinda get irrationally angry with anyone listening to any video audibly anywhere near any other sentient being at all in any context.
Like, wtf
I once got lectured by my dad how I’m the one being selfish and entitled, and how I try to restrict his freedom and comfort during family time, when I tell him to watch videos on mute, or get himself ear plugs, this was in a hotel restaurant might I add.
Jesus fucking christ, the level of anger I felt took me all the way back to being a teenager, I was very close to throwing a tantrum and going to my room without eating.