It appears like it’s recommended over WiiU USB Helper and I would like to give it a go (considering I can’t get the title keys section in Wii USB Helper to work anymore) but WiiUDownloader is freezing anywhere from two to ten minutes into downloading or decrypting games. It doesn’t appear to be consistently at the same spot or with the same game. I’ve only tried it on the one computer running Windows 11 but it should have more than sufficient specs.

I’ve searched /r/ROMs and the only posts that had responses and weren’t snarky comments telling people to search the megathread or another community seem to say different versions, connecting to a different network, or repeated attempts are the possible solutions. I’m wondering if anyone has come across a more consistent solution before I resort to downloading directing from the Internet Archive and decrypting the games myself or trying to navigate their Discord channel.

Could also be useful information for people who run into issues in the future.

Edit: I still haven’t found a solution and resorted to using .wua files that combine the game and updates.