Well, there’s 2 different flavors of the fiefdoms: technofascist and religofascist.
Both operate the same way, with a single charismatic white male leader at the top taking as many underage concubines as they like. The key difference is that one uses crypto and tracks your every move with facial recognition AI, whereas the other makes prairie skirts mandatory and delegates tracking your every move to Jesus.
Sooooo, you doing the Praxis version, or Gillead? Just curious.
Well, there’s 2 different flavors of the fiefdoms: technofascist and religofascist.
Both operate the same way, with a single charismatic white male leader at the top taking as many underage concubines as they like. The key difference is that one uses crypto and tracks your every move with facial recognition AI, whereas the other makes prairie skirts mandatory and delegates tracking your every move to Jesus.
Sooooo, you doing the Praxis version, or Gillead? Just curious.