The idea of appropriate clothing outside of like shirts with swastikas or pictures of murdered babies on them is bullshit. Your delicate sensibilities shouldn’t dictate my sense of self expression
See the second half of my comment. Thats totally valid, you do you and whatever else you feel like expresses yourself, but that also gives people the freedom to judge you for how you present yourself. That is the whole point of appearances, evoking images and associations in other people’s minds.
Of course, you are free to feel whatever you want. How could I possibly stop such a thing. What I mean is if you decide that I need to adhere to dress code based on it you can go fuck yourself.
The idea of appropriate clothing outside of like shirts with swastikas or pictures of murdered babies on them is bullshit. Your delicate sensibilities shouldn’t dictate my sense of self expression
See the second half of my comment. Thats totally valid, you do you and whatever else you feel like expresses yourself, but that also gives people the freedom to judge you for how you present yourself. That is the whole point of appearances, evoking images and associations in other people’s minds.
Of course, you are free to feel whatever you want. How could I possibly stop such a thing. What I mean is if you decide that I need to adhere to dress code based on it you can go fuck yourself.