aloha y’all!
i am looking for a good, solid, well written book on digital signal processing. i passed a two-semester course for my bachelors and am well acquainted with the basics and theory (i should, at least) and am now looking for a resource to look up specific stuff. i’ve looked into the topic and there is a plethora of books, many of them specific to some application(s), some field, some technology and/or language implementation and many of them not that well written (e.g. books consisting of single papers written by different authors).
ideal would be a technology-agnostic textbook including exercises that allows to dive into the various depths of the field at will.
what is your DSP “bible”, reference book, go-to resource? any and all pointers are welcome, i’ll definitifely look 'em up!
Really depends what you are into. For general concepts, Discrete-Time Signal Processing by Oppenheim and Discrete Signal Prcessing by Proakis are standard textbooks.
If you’re interested in communication or radar systems, array signal processing is very closely linked with discrete signal processing but with more linear algebra and statistical concepts. Optimum Array Processing by Van Trees is a great textbook for this.