The ADL is defending him. Bootlickers.
the ADL is a zionist organization that supports genocide. they’re not bootlickers. they’re the sole of the boot itself.
ADL do not care about anti semitism at all. Their only concern is anti zionism.
Zionism is the same kind of ideology as Nazis, just with different “superior races” (“the chosen people”) whom they claim to represent and sub-humans (“human animals”) whom they claim to be both inferior and a danger to them.
So it’s absolutely natural for a pro-Zionist organization to side with other Nazi-like ideologies as long as the “superior” and “subhuman” ethnicities of both do not collide, and in this case they both share the view of the Northern African Islamic people as subhumans and they probably see their own “superior” races as being a kind of White - so White Jews and White Christians (if you have any doubt of this for the Zionist side, go check out how Israel treats Ethiopian Jews).
just to give historical context, Germany, Japan and Italy supported each other in their nazi-fascism for the exatc reason you already said. So there is no surprise that it is happening again with America and Israel
fucking nazi asshole piece of shit
Wait, are we allowed to call them Nazis yet? Or is it still unnecessary vitriol?
Once they start openly heiling, yeah, that’s allowed.
They don’t like the socialist part.
Could people please just read a little bit of history before commenting on it? Please?
Yes, the full formal name of the Nazi party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Yes that name has “socialist” in it.
But you know what? North Korea is the 조선민주주의인민공화국 (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). Are we to take it as read, then, that you think North Korea is democratic? (Or that it gives a shit about the People?) No?
Extrapolate that to the Nazis.
It’s well known in history circles that extend one micro-step away from simplistic high school history that the word “socialist” was put into the Nazi Party’s name because they were trying, in their early days, to siphon members from other socialist groups. This is called “branding”. You label yourself in ways that makes you sound like what people want, get them on your side, then turn into what you want. Do you want another example for a political party instead of a nation? Canada’s old “Progressive Conservative Party of Canada” would be a case in point. I mean the name is a literal contradiction in terms, but I guess because it says “progressive” they must have been a progressive party, right? RIGHT!?
Here are a few more names that are flat-out lies:
- Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (neither liberal, nor democratic)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (just like the DPRK, this place isn’t even remotely democratic)
- The United States Taxpayers Party (now Constitution Party, was never about Taxpayers and always about what would now be alt-right policies)
- The Sustainable Australia Party (named like it’s about the environment, is really anti-immigration)
- The American Independent Party (named to fool people into thinking they’re registering as independents, but is really a far right party)
- The Social Democratic Party (sounds left-wing, but is really centrists who broke off from the UK’s Labour Party)
That list could go on for a very long time, but I hope by now you can understand how anybody who actually opened a history book would laugh at “the socialist part”.