• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • That’s called a 401k.

    Almost all of them just invest in index funds.

    They typically have massive penalties for early withdrawal, in case of say, suddenly becoming disabled because you were crippled in a car accident.

    If you try to make withdrawals from your 401k to cover living costs while recovering… or if you can’t recover, in perpetuity… well you’re looking at a ballpark of 1/3 to 2/3 of your money going poof, eaten up accordingly.

    Even if you invested on your own, having to withdraw regularly for a permanently disabling injury will run out in time, unless you’ve got more than… roughly 10 mil put away.

    If you have that, then great for you, 99% of people don’t and never will.

    Oh right. The stock market also regularly crashes, so a rational person should expect their snowballing nest egg to suddenly melt off by 5% or 15% or 30% every 5 to 10 years, with broadly predictable timeframes, but not specifically knowable exact dates.

    If you think you can precisely time the market, 99% chance you’re wrong, 1% chance you have insider information.

    The Social Security income tax structure is ass backwards. After around 120k of income, there are no more marginal taxation increases for any kind of declared income.

    Poor people pay astoundingly, disoroportionately more into Social Security, and their benefits basically get slashed to nothing if they try to return to work in a meaningful way, the ladder gets pulled out right as your on the 2nd rung…

    … meanwhile, the super rich people pay a pittance of their overall income toward Social Security, and they get to enjoy all kinds of intentionally carved out loopholes designed for them to avoid even more of the ways they make money being classed as taxable.

  • Been saying this for a year now:

    I’m open to a sham marriage for residency if you are!

    People apparently thought I was joking, as if something like this wasn’t obviously coming.

    As for jurisdiction…

    I have it set up as a direct deposit to my bank account, what with having had my car stolen and being crippled and all, makes cashing a mailed check extremely painful.

    I have no clue how the undergirding bureacracy handles it. AFAIK, it would be a federal level system, with nothing really to do with any local office, but I don’t know for sure.

  • https://www.zeldaspeedruns.com/oot/tech/bottle-duplication

    Need more bottles.

    Break game to acquire more bottles.

    I don’t follow the OoT speedrunning community much, but I am fairly sure that it is possible to overwrite … almost all usable items in your inventory with bottles, though some methods to do this basically make the game unstable.

    If there isn’t already such a category, I think there should be an Oops! All Bottles! category, lol.

    I remember being able to pull off at least one of these methods back in 1999 or 2000, on an N64… at least one of these methods was circulating on GameFAQs.

    IIRC, you can actually deflect certain range attacks, like Ganondorf’s energy ball things… by precisely timing an empty bottle swing.

  • Don’t forget the permanently disabled… like … most people do.


    But uh yeah, you’re looking at something like 30 to 60 million elderly and greivously disabled people being evicted and starving to death, if they just wipe it all out.

    I… would like to think that effectively murdering 10% to 20% of your own population would lead to a massive armed rebellion… but I uh, honestly don’t know at this point.

    Fun Fact!

    You need a permanent mailing address to apply for SNAP.

    I mean, they’re already cuttinf that down too, but yeah, if you’ve been evicted, if you are homeless?

    You can’t even do step one of applying for food benefits.

  • So… my only income is SSDI.

    Thats Disability.

    From my entirely self-interested POV:

    Optimistic View:

    They don’t actually directly destroy the underlying records and computer systems that keep those records and disperse payments for those already in the system, they layoff people that process new applicants and re-evaluations, and I can hopefully coast by unnoticed, at least until Congress actually passes a law to slash all payments by some fraction and/or just blanket remove a bunch of people by… some ruleset.

    Pessimistic View:

    They let Elon and the Broccoli boys in, they just break everything and well actually everything we broke was fraud and the proof is uh shut up, and I starve to death, unhoused, in… 30 to 60 days.

    Realistic View:

    Impossible to estimate in clown world.

    I will tell ya’ll that I’ve gotten my last two payments nearly a week early, completely out of sync with what their web portal says.

    Normally it varies by a day or two off of the typical payment date because of weekends or holidays or somethinf, but that is actually reflected in the web portal.

    Last two months they are not even bothering to update the date on the web portal to match the actual pay out date.

    They are terrified that the Trump admin will nuke the whole thing at any moment, and are trying to buy people time.

    Not fucking good.

  • I come from a similar religious background, though my parents very obviously hate each other, never divorced, both constantly trying to get a middle school aged me to take their sides in arguments, traingulating everything, always, all the time, later escalating to trying to force various mental health condition diagnoses on each other and myself via quack doctors and institutions with dubious at best qualifications and track records.

    I stopped talking to my family years ago, but if my ability to search through public records is accurate, it looka like my brother, his schizophrenic former FLDS cult member girlfriend and my mom rent and live in a two bed house in a suburb, and my dad lives in a trailerhome 60 miles away out in the sticks.

  • Wonderful.

    It’s from SomethingAwful, an even older and possibly an even more wretched hive of scum and villainy than 4chan.

    This is just more netlore at this point, but:

    m00t made 4chan after either convincing a bunch of users of SA’s hentai forum to come join his new cooler and better site without censorship on loli…

    … or he just actually got banned from SA for posting too much loli, and thus was 4chan.

    I can’t actually source that last claim definitively, but I swear I’ve seen a video with LowTax stating such.



    The site was launched as 4chan.net on October 1, 2003, by Christopher Poole, a then-15-year-old student from New York City using the online handle “moot”.[25] Poole had been a regular participant on Something Awful’s subforum “Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse” (ADTRW), where many users were familiar with the Japanese imageboard format and Futaba Channel (“2chan.net”).

    Encyclopedia Dramatica:


    4chan got it’s start from Something Awful moot a poster on ADTRW (The Anime Forum) and some other faggots needed a site that they could host their Child Porn Anime. Moot also had an obsession with 2Channel so he decided to download Futabally and translate it to English, then host it on a webserver. He originally sent it to 20 of his goon friends and eventually everyone in ADTRW and every other Something Awful board full of closet anime pedophiles (all of them) started to use 4chan and the Internet Hate Machine began.

  • They want slaves and concubines back.

    IE an actual traditional family, as very well defined in the Old Testament / Tanakh.

    When you get to the New Testament, you end up with the uberconservative push for making divorce illegal citing Jesus himself.

    Matthew 19:3-9

    3 And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one 's wife for any cause?”

    4 He answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female,

    5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?

    6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."

    7 They said to him, “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?”

    8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

    9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

    Notice how the presumption here is that only a man can divorce his wife, not the other way around.

    The rule of Moses as understood by the Pharisee is that a man can serve a woman divorce papers, and that’s that.

    What they can all agree on is women are second class citizens and should be subordinate to men.

    Paul is quite famous for not permitting women to speak:

    1 Corinthians 14:34

    the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says.

  • Currently, each generation of executives doesn’t come from within the company.

    This in particular I find to be just the most astonishingly duplicitous, completely full of shit thing about American Tech Corps.

    They are masters of lying to you and telling you that if you work hard, perform well, blah blah, you’ll adcance through the ranks.

    All outward oriented ‘how to be a good employee’ type media propaganda says you need to be loyal and stop job hopping.

    All these motherfuckers job hop all the fucking time and they know they do!

    EDIT: After a decade in the tech industry, I got assaulted and just give off of disability now, basically in poverty.

    There is literally no amount of money you could pay me (lets be real, promise to pay me and then not actually pay me that much) to get back into the tech industry.

    My QoL is 100,000x improved not having to deal with the constant deceptive office politics, utterly incompetent managers and useless projects.

    You’re 100% right about ‘what even is a career path’.

    They don’t exist.

    Barring super basic stuff like an A* or whatever to be a basic network techy, certs are required or desired certs are constantly changing, as are required skillsets and experience in general.

    None of the HR people that write job descriptions have any clue what the words theyre using mean.

    They kept inflating ‘required years working with X program or language’, and everyone just started lying on all their resumes.

    The hiring process is a theatre of the absurd.