I’m mostly half-serious.
The community seems split on this one lol. Makes me think that some of the people who subscribed to this community literally don’t know what a greentext is. Which is nothing new; I made this months ago:
Personally, it takes the fun out of creating OC because I like making edgier memes but there’s no community for it here. And even if something does make people laugh and get upvoted, the mods will take it down. (For example, I made a meme about a pregnant alcoholic mother and it got taken down. Like really? We can’t make abortion jokes?) So fuck it, I mainly just repost now. If you can’t beat em join em.
I’m not knowledgeable at all, but it seems like charisma is more useful than intelligence in DnD
Voting is the least we can do BUT… do not expect systematic change (that helps the working class) to come from the top down. Both parties agree on legal bribery, insider trading, “good billionaires”, the voting system, and the two party system. Meaningful change is going to require more effort: i.e., grass roots organizing from the bottom up. Start in your own community and the change will grow organically.