Because people don’t vote for policy, just culture war bullshit
Remember when we told everyone what he was going to do and millions of voters told us we were fearmongering, lying, exaggerating, or that he “didn’t mean it”?
I used to love being right. Now I fucking hate it.
You can do both. I regularly slap down mofos who say “I didn’t vote to lose (government subsidies they need to survive)”
Oh yes you did! brings up the section of project 2025 that brutally guts said subsidies
Genuine and serious question: Where does that get you?
As good as it may feel to call these people out for their ignorance and stupidity (and yes, they were very ignorant and very stupid), what is it actually doing to help stop Trump’s agenda right now?
Telling them off might feel good, and right, and incredibly justified, but it’s not going to win people over.
What America needs right now is a mass movement against Trump’s agenda, and a big part of building that movement is going to have to be reaching out to those people who are disgusted with the reality of Trump’s agenda and bringing them into the fold, even if they helped put it in motion in the first place.
So what’s your communication approach, then? Remaining ignorant piles of shit won’t exactly make them change their minds, either.
Help them out of their ignorance. Start by agreeing with their frustrations and then continue to explore common ground from there.
And when I say “agree with their frustrations” I mean the stuff that you can legitimately agree on. Start with this tax plan, which fucks over anyone making less than about $300,000 a year. Maybe let them know that Trump instituted similar tax cuts last time around; that this isn’t a one time mistake. Maybe help them to understand that a lot of the moves Trump and his team are making right now are straight out the Project 2025 playbook; studies showed that the more people learned about Project 2025 the more they hated it. Trump had to pretend he knew nothing about it, so showing them that he’s now following it to the letter might get you somewhere.
Find the places where you can agree, and work from there.
How many people have you won over?
Why would it matter what I answer? I could tell you 1, I could tell you 1000, you have no reason to believe me either way.
And more importantly, there’s no clear way to define “winning people over”. You’re not going to sit down, have a conversation with someone, and an hour later have them sign a full confession recanting all of their previous beliefs. People erode. They change slowly, a little at a time.
I can tell that by having these kinds of conversations, I have seen people change their views. I’ve watched people go from ride or die for their conservative vote to actually saying “Yeah, I don’t think this guy actually has our best interests at heart” or even just “OK, I don’t actually agree with everything he’s saying.” But a lot of the time you won’t even get that level of feedback. You’re planting seeds that you may not ever see grow. Sometimes you’re planting seeds for someone else to water, and for another someone else to harvest. It’s a process, it doesn’t have a clearly defined little victory marker. But I can tell you from personal experience that if you try, it does yield positive results.
If you’d said 1, I would have believed you.
They support his agenda. Just not when it happens to them, they just want others to suffer.
Reminder that everyone who didn’t vote still bears responsibility: Not making a decision is still a decision.
Edit: Anyone who disagrees can eat all of my shit and hair. <3
Because the average American is a moron.
It’s obviously pretty stupid, but we shouldn’t act like the Americans are especially dumb, this is happening all over the globe.
People see: “economy is bad” so people vote out whoever is in power and vote in whoever screams the loudest that they have a magical fix. I would be shocked if the average trump, AFD etc. voter spends more then 15 minutes researching their vote (outside the endless stream of political content on yt and tiktok).
They didn’t vote for Trump, though. The election was stolen.
Highly regarded.
People didn’t vote for Trump, they voted against Biden.
This chart might be a little bit out of date by this point, but the basic pattern it’s pointing out is still pretty obvious
Except biden wasn’t on the ballot, harris was.
How many times and how many ways did she need to say she would be exactly like Biden?
Like, there’s some irony in you being unaware of what voting for Harris was voting for, in a thread about trump voters being unaware of what their vote meant…
I never heard it once.
Welp, that’s on me for over-estimating American voters in 2025…
I should not have done that, that’s my bad.
Vice President Kamala Harris was asked by the co-hosts of The View on Tuesday whether she would have done anything differently than President Biden, responding “not a thing comes to mind,” before coming back to the question and adding that she plans to appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if she is elected in November.
“I’m going to have a Republican in my Cabinet,” Harris said. “I feel burdened by letting pride get in the way of a good idea.”
“You asked me what’s the difference between Joe Biden and me, well that will be one of the differences,” she added
Now, she does say she’d have a Republican in the cabinet and that makes her different…
But Biden went as far as saying he was considering a Republican as VP…
While campaigning in New Hampshire, Biden said that while he couldn’t think of a specific Republican off the top of his head, there are “some really decent Republicans” but the more “well-known” members of the GOP need to “step up” against President Donald Trump.
So I don’t see much of a difference between the two claims