A simple, straightforward, zero bloat command that brings you the Gods Word – from the Vatican and straight into your CLI.
Click here to check the code out and compile it with “gcc theholybible.c -o theholybible -static -O2”.
Dear brother/sister in Christ, the whole Lemmy (as well as other FOSS-related places) is extremely hostile towards religion. I’d suggest using a commercial social network (such as Reddit, Facebook or X) or your own website if you want to post such apps and not get only very negative reactions.
Might not want to post something like this here due to the high amount of mentally ill fedora tippers.
Just updated the code so all new testament books are being fetched properly. (It wasn’t the case when I posted this at first glance.)
-EDIT- Updated the code again due to some old testament books not being properly fetched – should be g2g now.-EDIT2- Added a way to scroll between chapters. -NOW- it is g2g.Fixed some minors annoyances and some books -stll- not being properly fetched.