It’s blatant extortion now.
I just don’t understand how he got caught on this thought? I’m no foreign policy wonk, but I just don’t get it. Why would you want to start random beef with the neighbor. It’s like a weird parody that I don’t know enough about to understand.
Is he just Putining?
Some believe it’s a distraction. A Flood the Zone tactic.
I hope for everyone’s sake- this is true. If Trump wants to destroy America, so be it. One could argue we deserve it. But this doesn’t need to involve Canada in any capacity.
And I will not relent upon my statements of fact that Trump is an asshole, rapist, pedophile, fascist, lying, narcissistic cuck until he is impeached or dies. See how likely it is for me to stop saying these things?
Edit: forgot rapist, so hard to remember everything he’s so shitty
NEVER stop saying those things. Make sure history does not forget what he was.
Id be down to let Canada and Greenland into the EU. Give Trump a big fuck you.
What I read in the article was this. There is going to be a war between the US and Canada. Trump didn’t say that, Trudeau said it.
All I see Trump saying, is that the US does not need items from Canada, if the US is losing money in the process. He also said it would be great if Canada joined the US.
If he invades Canada we’ll make Vietnam look like a cakewalk.
We look like you. We speak your language. We consume your media. You’re going to fight an enemy who looks, acts, and is just as technologically advanced as you. Fighting insurgents who had nothing in common with you was already challenging enough, now imagine not knowing who is who
Yea but they were willing to live in a literal hole for years while having napalm dropped on their heads in addition to many bombs and bullets, how many Canadians would be willing to do that?
I’ve been posting this in a couple places - but it’s not Vietnam, right? It’s Ireland and the Troubles. Only - on a scale that makes the Troubles look like a block party. And I say that aware that the Troubles was a decades long conflict that piled bodies sky-fucking-high and never truly healed. It wasn’t solved by a U2 song.
Alternatively its another Afghanistan only when you accidentally blow up a hospital full of locals instead of the enemy combatants you thought they were you’re actually blowing up your own people, in your own hospital in your own house.
now imagine not knowing who is who
Unless they require you to pronounce “out” at roadblocks
There are also like 1 million of us within their borders.
Who ever would have guessed that a serial rapist wouldn’t take, “No”, for an answer?
No means yes, no.
Yeah he’s not considering consent of people in other countries at all.
Other than the consequences that would happen as a result, it’d be hilarious if Canada ended up doing a, I think we call them, “preemptive targeted use of force against specific individuals determined to pose an active threat to national security”.
How fucked is it if another country, historically our closest ally, assassinated our president so many of us would just be like “yeah, makes sense”.
Well, the best place for the stiff is a pine box 1.8m below grade
Nah, shallow grave. Not worth the effort of a proper burial.
So many people calling for his assassination…
Why does Trump want the US to be great again? 🤔 It seems like the US can’t be great and humble anymore under the Trump administration. 🤷♂️
“Make America Great Again” has always been a slogan for making rich Americans richer while poor Americans are distracted by the culture war.
This might sound weird, but I honestly think there’s now an opportunity for the Left to take the slogan as their own. There could be blue MAGA hats instead of red ones, acknowledging that America has truly fallen and needs to be resuscitated.
If we actually did full blown maga, it wouldn’t be red or blue. We would have to become way way more libertarian. At this point, I’m thinking maybe we should not even have a president, and only have the house and senate. Illegal executive orders have given too much power to the presidents.
We should move towards direct voting.
Direct voting, as in not secret voting? I would agree with that. I think the votes should be physically counted while the public watches.
If you mean switch to popular vote instead of electoral, I’d disagree, because urban shouldn’t automatically have rule over rural, which is what would happen.
Trump needs to be removed for this and it’s not an exaggeration to say there are at least a dozen other unconstitutional things he’s done that he should be removed for as well. But the GOP-held congress doesn’t care about the constitution either so this is only going to continue to get worse.
Is this statement grounds for impeachment?
I guess I meant just since the new term but this is a great list and I’ll be sharing it around myself as well. Thanks!
It seems the Democratic leadership intends to be complicit, also.
It’s not a surprise, liberals generally side with fascism. But it is disappointing.
The US’ most important good is intellectual property. They rely on other countries to protect their IP. If you no longer rely on them for trade because theyre tariffing the shit out of your country, you don’t need to appease them anymore by protecting their IP.
Up until the early 90s, the Dominican Republic had a local cable TV network. This network pretty much had a monopoly, it was dirt cheap and included all the premium American satellite/cable TV networks. You name it, it had it.
Obviously this company never bothered to license any of it and just sent some dude to Miami from time to time to renew his individual satellite package so it could be pipe to an entire country. Neat “business model”, not local laws where broken and the US companies couldn’t do much about it.
The fun came to a stop when the US threatened to revoke free-trade deals it had done with the State and pressured the Government to clamp down on the cable TV provider.
I wonder if Canada can make its own streaming service to Canadians which provides all of the content from Netflix, prime, Disney, etc in one location for cheap because all the content is pirated by the government itself.
A splendid idea! Yo ho yo ho mateys!
This goes further than just pirated entertainment. Think of patents. “Nice chip you have there Apple, would be a shame if it were public domain now.”
I believe Russia has this market cornered.
Lol. I actually support this.
It’ll be worse for Canadians, but better for the US and therefore the world as a whole.
I mean, imagine how all those Canadian voters can affect Congress.
Yeah it’ll be worse for Canadians because being one myself I’ll actually die on this hill. I want no part of your garbage country full of garbage people
In such a scenario we’d affect Congress by making it one of many targets in a war. Americans need to stop thinking of this as a fun little thought experiment and start thinking of it how it would really be: a bloody war on the North American continent that will directly impact you.
We Canadians don’t exist just to be just tools of American politics, no matter which side of those politics you may be on. We’re a country and we will defend our country through any means available. We don’t want to be part of some bullshit Electoral College that was devised by your bullshit slave master “founders”.
Sigh. Canadians are nothing but a bunch of armchair soldiers.
Look at their military. Most of them are terrified of guns. There’s no world where Canadians are ever a significant threat to the US.
If you’re talking about terrorism, all you need to be is designated as terrorists and any “resistance” you put up will be put down, fast.
You guys are really out of touch with reality.
The last time we fought Canadians we lost the White House and the war. They just let it go because we weren’t worth the cost.
Have you served your military? Or are you an American armchair soldier?
If you served in Afghanistan you’d know Canadian soldiers was there. My cousin was involved with diffusing IEDs. So if we know how to diffuse IEDs you think we might know how to make them? We have knowledge of effective tactics to use against the US military because we were in the same war you were. That’s what being an ally means, but you wouldn’t understand that because you only care about money.
Ukraine builds drones with a range up to 2000KM. You know Ukraine, the country Trump is trying to betray along with Canada? I’m sure they’ll build some for us. How far away from Canada do you live? Americans shit their pants when there’s a couple of civilian drones flying around in New Jersey LOL.
How willing are you to get out of your armchair to fight in a war of betrayal? Here in Canada, we won’t have a choice. How long will you want to see young people being brought back from Canada in body bags? A year? Five year? Decades?
There is no enemy like a friend betrayed. We know your strengths and we know your weaknesses. You obviously know nothing about us.
I’m not a soldier at all.
I’m in the nation with the strongest military on the planet. You’re the one who’s trying to step up and pretend canada has a snowball’s chance in hell at contending with the US in a real armed conflict.
We used to have the strongest military. That’s rapidly becoming a thing of the past.
It wouldn’t happen. The Republicans would either gerrymander the hell out of Canada in their favor, or Canada would just be another unincorporated territory like Puerto Rico - part of the US but no representation in Congress.
Yea, if we practically look at an annexation of Canada, they’re a federal govt so each province would be wanting statehood realistically. Imagine how many liberal congresspeople we’d be getting.
Imagine all those electoral college votes!
We’d never have another fascist president again!
I would rather fucking die.
Me too and I’m ready if it comes to this
As an American I would gladly take up arms to be a Canadian partisan to stop this. And my FBI handler can put that on my permanent record.
Sad… 😔
Garbage news source. Trump never posed that ultimatum.
It’s a given if you understand how it all works.
I’ll break it down for you;
What has he said many times recently regarding Canada that has been so newsworthy?
Could it be something about the US absorbing them as the 51st state? He has stated several times that he has no intention to let up, or “bend” on this- or offer any conditions. So, it’s acceptable to assume that the answer to this question lends fairly well to the next one:
What do you think will need to happen before he decides to drop the tariffs?
As stated, he’s offered no conditions. Which is not a stretch to conclude that-
He won’t drop the tariffs until…
To be honest, Canada partly has itself to blame. They let Russia interfere in US elections for a decade at this point but didn’t lift a finger to interfere for the other side that respects them. That attitude needs to end.
Edit: People seem to be misreading this? I’m saying Canada should interfere in US elections. Everyone who hates democracy is already doing it and Canada/Europe is letting them win.
That’s some real victim-blaming shit… What exactly did you expect Canada to do to counter Russian election interference in another sovereign nation?
Interfere themselves. The US media landscape is dominated by right wingers, backed by Russia. Canada could help the other side.
Isn’t that just as bad as Russia doing it?
No, it’s better. Because they people who are doing it don’t suck.
This can’t be real. There’s no way you actually believe this. Or is this just another conservative talking point? Imagine being this dumb to come up with this stuff and believe it.
- this comment adds zero value to the discussion because you’re not even being specific about what your insults are referring to, it’s just insults with zero context
- I’m pretty sure you misread what I said, but I’m not sure because ^
- Yes, I do believe this and I think it’s a pretty obvious thing to believe at this point.
Lmao the Fuck?? The USSA did Fuck all about its election interference. They welcomed it. Made a whole fucking party off of it. Then WON. None of that has anything to do with Canada.
Maybe it should. Why let Russia be the only country that gets to weigh in on foreign elections?
My honest response is because it is not the right thing to do. It’s like when people loot - someone smashes a window and starts to gank shit, and then everyone else joins in to get something for themselves at the expense of the business. It’s a shitty thing to do.