I don’t expect this to happen in my state, but if it does, what’s the best recourse? Stock up on fluoridated toothpaste and brush extra? Get fluoride treatment at dental checkups? Something else? I don’t have kids, but if I ever do, I want their teeth to be healthy.
I grew up with rural well water (so no fluoride). I would get fluoride treatments whenever I went in for cleanings, and eventually was prescribed a fluoridadted toothpaste. Both are affective.
Invest in anything related to cavity filling and tooth extraction.
Reality gives no fucks about incorrect opinions.
Can you invest in children dying from preventable infections related to poor oral health? Because that’s coming too.
We literally just saw a child die from an entirely preventable disease just this week. A child in the US, died from measles. Something we’ve had readily available vaccines for for many decades.
Don’t care how much pain the family is in, I’d still slap the shit out of them for opting out of one of the safest vaccines for one of the most preventable illnesses. As a parent that tries so hard not to screw up their kids and give them a good life I’m fucking livid at this.
Utah kids are about to develop lots more cavities. There wasn’t fluoride in the water where I was born. I had a huge cavity problem while my brothers had none or one.
In other news, Utah slated to be the #1 place for dentists to live and work in the near future.
It’s Utah, so there will likely be a Alternative Dental Care MLM popping up any minute
"Mandrake, have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure-grain alcohol Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation. Fluoridation of water? Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face?
I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!"
– these goobers
Wouldn’t it be better to give families vouchers for toothpaste and toothbrushes? Or have subsidized lower price ones available?
I never really understood how water briefly swishing through your teeth with some minimal amount of fluoride in it has any effect on the teeth.(edit: explanation in the replies). Fluoridation comes across as a way for industry to legitimize toxic waste instead of having to treat it and dispose of it responsively and ecologically.Meanwhile we are ingesting it when drinking tap water, along with our pets and all other animals that have access to the water supply, and we wash our hands with it and shower with it, and we ingest it further through crops/food that is grown/prepared with the water.
I never really understood…
Have you tried learning about it?
Here, you can learn about it: https://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/faq/index.html
Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to cover the explanation for the process, but I did find an explanation (linked in my other comment)
Long but great vid on the issue that shows just how fucking stupid an idea like this is:
I just finished this. Amazing video
I’d gladly trade a higher IQ in myself, and my children, over possible cavities.
You weren’t offered that choice. You were offered a choice of tooth decay or less tooth decay, that’s it.
There are clear benefits to fluoridated water and the risks are inconclusive at best. Going to a full ban is like slamming your brakes on the highway because you realized you were speeding.
Ironically, if you had a higher IQ you would know the weakness of studies that have attempted to link fluoride to brain development.
It’s too late for you or your kids.
Thanks. You’re so supportive.
Soon you’ll be able to identify a Mormon more easily…??
As someone who lives in Utah, trust me, you don’t need any help to ID them. There’s a vibe that’s immediately apparent and impossible to miss once you know what you’re looking for lol
Mormon or methhead sounds like a fun game.
The perfect game to play in sunny Mesa, Arizona