I’m a happy customer there.
- 1TB for 5€ is cheaper than others (e.g., Apple 200GB for 3€)
- hosted in Germany
- it is a NextCloud instance which means apps for all kinds of OSs are available
- you can install NextCloud apps for more than just storage
Don’t forget tape drives aren’t dead! Just bought lto4 tapes and drive for 37TB gotta say doesn’t get better then physically storing and having agency of your own data. Also it’s a lot of fun to do.
How much did you pay?
About 400€ I think. 200 for the drive and 200 for the tapes. As it’s a one time investment it’s cheaper then a year on AWS and if I need more storage space I can just buy more tapes
For those who need a cloud backup solution, I recommend the Hetzner Storage Box.
This product is more suitable for backups. Its key feature is snapshots, that let you automatically create periodic restore points (e.g. monthly). This helps against accidental deletion of files.
3.81 € for 1 TB instead of 5.11 €.
I think none of us have to worry about privacy on hetzner too much - we’re simply not that interesting.
Having said that, ideologically I cannot use them due to them facilitating a MitM attack. Not sure if this is the original, but if you’re curious about the low level detail - you can read through it here.
If you don’t need the Nextcloud, and just need some Web Storage to Backup/Rsync/Mount on your PC, the StorageBox is even cheaper
3.81 € for 1 TB instead of 5.11 €.
Is it any more secure than other big cloud providers though?
As in if the police came busting down the door with a warrant, would they be able to destroy any data in before and make it unrecoverable? Or would they go as far as to have the data be accessible to law enforcement?
If you have to store sensible stuff you should encrypt the files before you upload them anyway. Just use gpg or something.