I’ve been using Visual Studio for almost 20 years as my primary code editor /project manager and for all that time it’s been solid. If there were errors it told you and highlighted/underlined them before you tried to build no matter where the error was in the entire solution.

I am willing to accept a slight decrease that solidness in order to gain the extra flexibility provided by dotnet core over framework. However…

My experience with the recent updates to Visual Studio have culminated into a state where errors that exists are not detected, or if they are (ex. on rebuild) they are only reported, not underlined. Once I find and fix the error it remains in the list until I rebuild, if there are other errors it will remain until I find and fix each of them (which themselves will remain in the error list…) and finally rebuild.

I’ve adjusted options, to no avail. Sometimes restarting VS helps for a few minutes sometimes deleting the .vs folder will help for a few more…I feel like It used to be a lot nicer.

Today I’m seriously considering moving to a plain code editor and using the donet cli for build/test/publish.

Is anyone else experiencing problems like this?